  • 期刊


Antibacterial Photosensitive Activity of Chlorophyll Derivatives


結合光敏劑與特定光源產生活性氧分子,應用於抑制微生物生長,乃近年常見的抑菌研發技術。本研究將菠菜葉綠素降解,製備成具光敏性的衍生物。經高效液相層析儀(high performance liquid chromatography; HPLC)分析顯示,衍生物主要成分為脫鎂葉綠素或脫鎂葉綠酸。經添加於小鼠胚胎纖維細胞,以發光二極體(light-emitting diode; LED)藍光(光量子束密度560 J m^(-2) s^(-1))照射60 min或添加於痤瘡桿菌以280 J m^(-2) s^(-1)照射10 min,或於葡萄球菌照射30 min,均可增強光過敏反應,而造成細胞或細菌存活率下降。研究顯示,葉綠素衍生物具有光敏性,可應用為抗菌光敏劑。


The combination of a photosensitizer and a specific light source to generate reactive oxygen species for the inhibition of microbial growth is a developing antibacterial technique. In this study, the chlorophyll of spinach was degraded to prepare photosensitizer chlorophyll derivatives. The results of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed that the main component was pheophytin or pheophorbide. The photosensitivity could be enhanced and resulted in the decrease of survival rate when pheophytin or pheophorbide was added to Sandos inbred mice thioguanine/ ouabain-resistant (STO) cells, Propionibacterium granulosum and Staphylococcus sp. (BCRC10783), with light-emitting diode (LED) blue light at illuminance of 5.6 J m^(-2) 60 min^(-1), 2.8 J m^(-2) 10 min^(-1) and 2.8 J m^(-2) 30 min^(-1), respectively. The results indicate that chlorophyll derivatives have the photosensitivity property and can be applied as an antibacterial photosensitizer.
