  • 期刊

Genetically Masked of Dorsocentral Bristle Expression by a Single Dominant Gene DCm in Melon Fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquilett)

瓜實蠅[Zeugodacus cucurbitae(Coquillett)]「背中區剛毛」受單一顯性基因DCm抑制表現之研究


The melon fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquilett), does not possess the dorsocentral (DC) bristles. In a selected DC (+)-line, two rows of 4-6 median size macrochaetes appeared in the dorsocentral domain of scutum and it is interesting to explore its morphological identity and genetic origin. In morphology, these DC (+) bristles fit into the dorsocentral domains of Diptera chaetotaxy ground plan and those of model insect species, Drosophila melanogaster and Ceratitis capitata. In genetics, by crossing wild type to DC (+)-line, the majority of F_1 progeny were DC (-) phenotype or wild type. Segregation pattern of DC (+) and DC (-) phenotypes in the F_2 progeny fit a 1 : 3 inheritance pattern, with DC (-) phenotype being dominant. The backcross of F_1 to the DC (+)-line produced a 1 : 1 ratio in respect to DC (+) and DC (-) phenotypes, while F_1 backcross to wild type produced most DC (-) progeny, confirming that DC (+) bristle was suppressed by a single dominant gene. The gene was given the symbol DCm for DorsoCentral bristles masked. The DC (+) bristle was stereotype patterned instead of randomly expressed, hence the atavistic origin is preferred.


雙翅目「中胸背板」上剛毛之數量分布及排列模式是分類的重要依據,其中「背中區剛毛」在瓜實蠅所屬的Dacinae亞科中已因演化而消失。行政院農業委員會農業試驗所飼育之瓜實蠅中,有一「中胸背板多剛毛」品系中頻頻出現具兩列整齊排列「背中區剛毛」的個體。此等個體上「背中區剛毛」之來源及發生原因,具有剛毛發生及遺傳上之研究價值。本研究特將具此特徵之瓜實蠅另行育成DC(+)-line品系,以供研究之用。出現於DC(+)-line之「背中區剛毛」為縱向整齊排列4-6隻中型大小之剛毛,分列中胸背板兩側之「背中區」,經測定位於自背板中線(midline)起,至「翅內剛毛」(intra-alar)止之60-70%處;也落於「雙翅目中胸背板剛毛模式圖」(groand plan of chaetotoxy; McAlpine 1981)背中區內,此與兩種具「背中區剛毛」模式(model)蠅種Drosophila melanogaster及Ceratitis capitata之位置相當。以「野生型」與「背中型」進行遺傳試驗時,用處女(雄)蠅配對,兩品系雌雄交互配對各3對,並觀察子代之表現型及數量。發現F_1子代中「背中型」出現的機率趨近於零(37/541),而F_2子代中「背中型」出現且可達23%(651/2,835),6組配對中有4組合乎3:1之單一顯性因子理論推論,並與雙因子(15:1)及雙互補因子(9:7)遺傳之推論全數不符合,且無性聯遺傳現象(sex-linkage)。而在回交的測試,與「野生型」之回交中產生的「背中型」在全數531隻子代中僅有10隻,而趨近於零。與「背中型」回交之子代560隻中產生近半數之「背中型」,數值為264隻,經Chi-square分析,驗證與1:1之理論推值相符。本研究結論為瓜實蠅之「背中剛毛」之表現與否,係由單一顯性基因控制,存在於「野生型」中,由其抑制「背中剛毛」之表現,而「背中剛毛」表現屬隱性特徵,因此將此一基因定名為DCm(DorsoCentral bristle masked)。由於「背中剛毛」之出現是在無「野生型」介入之「多剛毛」品系中,且完整地以兩列整齊方式出現,而非以逢機或突發性方式出現,因此推論為「返祖」現象而非突變。因隱性基因可長期以heterozygotes方式隱藏於族群中,當顯性抑制基因消退時,逐漸形成homozygotes而重現。此外,是否DCm為現今雙翅目中抑制「背中區剛毛」之共同因子,亦為未來值得探討的方向。


背中區剛毛 瓜實蠅 返祖
