  • 期刊


Polyploidization and Selection of Parents for Improving Breeding of Blue-Purple Phalaenopsis


本研究分析蝴蝶蘭花瓣組織之酸鹼值(pH),並據此篩選作為藍紫色蝴蝶蘭育種之雜交親本。此外,並以秋水仙素誘導藍紫色蝴蝶蘭種原之多倍體化,擴大藍紫色蝴蝶蘭種原在育種上之應用。以0.1 mM秋水仙素浸漬處理藍紫色蝴蝶蘭原生種Phalaenopsis bellina fma. coerulea、Phalaenopsis equestris fma. coerulea及藍紫色蝴蝶蘭栽培種Phalaenopsis Siam Treasure 無菌播種發芽後約6 wk齡原球體(protocorm) 8 d,進行多倍體誘導。結果顯示,3種材料之原球體存活率在59.2-85.0%之間,4倍體誘導率為27.3-32.9%。比較秋水仙素誘導所得之4倍體與2倍體植株的園藝性狀,顯示4倍體植株之花朵質地較硬實,且P. bellina fma. coerulea與P. equestris fma. coerulea之4倍體花朵具較大花徑,4倍體P. Siam Treasure 的花徑雖未明顯增大,但其花梗較粗短與2倍體有明顯差異。4倍體之雜交親和性,則需進一步測試。花瓣pH檢測結果顯示,藍紫色蝴蝶蘭花瓣組織之平均pH值在5.22-5.42之間,明顯較其他色系為高。篩選花瓣組織pH值(5.33-5.38)偏高之品種作為雜交親本與藍紫色蝴蝶蘭進行雜交,後裔中表現藍紫色花之比率約為0.2-62.0%,較逢機選擇之親本明顯有較高之藍紫色表現比例,具有應用於藍紫色蝴蝶蘭育種改進之潛力。


Polyploidy induction and selection of parents by pH of flower petal were used as strategies for improving breeding of blue-purple Phalaenopsis in this study. Using 6-wk-old protocorms of Phalaenopsis bellina fma. coerulea, Phalaenopsis equestris fma. coerulea and Phalaenopsis Siam Treasure as explants exposed in 0.1 mM colchicine for 8 d to induce polyploidy. Ploidy levels of seedlings derived from colchicine treatments were analyzed by flow cytometry and root tip staining. Results showed that survival rate among two species and one variety were 59.2-85.0%, and their tetraploid induction rates were 27.3-32.9%. Comparison of horticultural traits of diploid and tetraploid plants showed that all tetraploids had firmer petal texture than that of diploids. It was also found that tetraploids of P. bellina fma. coerulea and P. equestris fma. coerulea had larger flower diameter than that of their diploids. Although tetraploid plants of P. Siam Treasure had similar flower diameter with diploid, tetraploid plants had thicker and shorter stalk than their diploids. The hybridization compatibility of tetraploid plants would need more crossings for investigation for further information. It showed that average pH values of blue-purple petal Phalaenopsis were more alkaline (pH about 5.22-5.42) than that of other colors flower. Selection of other colors from Phalaenopsis varieties with higher values of petal pH (pH about 5.33-5.38) as parents to cross blue-purple Phalaenopsis varieties were conducted in this study. Results showed that a significant higher percentage of 0.2-62.0% blue-purple progeny was found than that of using random parents without pH selection on parents. This pH-based parental selection would improve breeding for blue-purple Phalaenopsis varieties.
