  • 期刊

Avocado Branch Canker Disease Caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae in Taiwan

Lasiodiplodia theobromae及Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae在台灣引起之酪梨枝條潰瘍病


Avocado branch canker disease has been reported in many avocado-growing countries, and is associated with several species in the Botryosphaeriaceae family. In Taiwan, the disease is widely distributed in the main avocado-producing regions, but the pathogens were still unidentified. Thirteen fungal isolates were obtained from necrotic avocado woody tissues from seven orchards located in different regions of Taiwan. Based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer sequence and partial sequence of the translation elongation factor 1-α gene, the isolates were identified as either Lasiodiplodia theobromae or Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae. The optimal temperature for mycelial growth for both species was around 30℃. Both species were pathogenic to avocado stems and fruits, causing a whitish exudate at the inoculation site and necrosis on the stem, and black lesions on the fruit. To our knowledge, this is the first report characterizing avocado branch canker in Taiwan, which is different from temperate regions in major pathogenic species. The information obtained in this study will be helpful for understanding the epidemiology of the pathogens and establishing effective disease management strategies in avocado.


酪梨枝條潰瘍病於國外許多酪梨栽培國家均曾報導,主要由多種葡萄座腔菌科(Botryosphaeriaceae)之真菌感染引起。本病亦廣泛發生於台灣主要酪梨栽培地區,然病原菌至今尚不明確。本研究自台灣各地共7個酪梨園具潰瘍病病徵之枝條組織進行病原菌分離,共收集到13個菌株,透過型態鑑定及核糖體內轉錄區間(internal transcribed spacer; ITS)和轉譯延長因子1-α(translation elongation factor 1-α gene; TEF-1α)之序列進行類緣分析,結果顯示此些菌株均屬於Lasiodiplodia theobromae或Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae。此兩菌株之菌絲最適生長溫度均為約30℃;對酪梨枝條及果實均具病原性,可於枝條接種處造成白色粉末分泌及內部組織褐化,於果實上亦會造成黑色軟腐病斑。本研究為首篇描述台灣酪梨枝條潰瘍病及其相關病原菌之報告,研究結果顯示台灣之病原菌種類與大部分國外酪梨栽培地區造成酪梨枝條潰瘍病之主要病原菌不同。本研究將可提供未來進行酪梨枝條潰瘍病之流行病學,以及建立其有效之病害管理策略研究時之重要參考資訊。
