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Occurrence and Aphid Transmission of Important Virus Diseases in Cruciferous Vegetables


台灣田間十字花科蔬菜疑似受病毒感染之病徵,主要包括葉片嵌紋、斑駁、黃化、葉脈壞疽、葉脈腫脹、植株矮化等。利用甜菜西方黃化病毒(Beet western yellows virus; BWYV)、花椰菜嵌紋病毒(Cauliflower mosaic virus; CaMV)、胡瓜嵌紋病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus; CMV)、蘿蔔嵌紋病毒(Radish mosaic virus; RaMV)、蕪菁嵌紋病毒(Turnip mosaic virus; TuMV)、蕪菁輪斑病毒(Turnip ring spot virus; TuRSV)6種病毒血清搭配間接酵素連結免疫分析法(indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; indirect ELISA)調查不同病毒於簡易設施內十字花科蔬菜的自然感染情形,病毒檢出率高低依序為蘿蔔、芥菜類及白菜類。其中,病毒種類以TuMV檢出率最高,BWYV次之;複合感染情形以BWYV與TuMV居多。以上述6種血清及間接ELISA分析法進行檢測結球白菜、不結球白菜、甘藍、油菜、芥菜、芥藍、花椰菜、青花菜、蘿蔔共27品種40批號之十字花科蔬菜種子研磨液,未檢測出病毒。以人工接種方式接種TuMV單斑分離株於小白菜或葉用蘿蔔,作為偽菜蚜(Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach)的獲毒來源,用以研究媒介昆蟲的傳播特性。結果發現,以1隻帶有TuMV蚜蟲取食健康葉用蘿蔔10 d後即可出現病徵,同時接種5隻帶TuMV蚜蟲,傳毒率可達100%;蚜蟲獲毒溫度及接種溫度為25℃時,傳毒率可達100%;蚜蟲獲毒取食時間為10 min,傳毒率可達100%;若蚜蟲接種取食時間若為60 min,傳毒率可達100%。以人工接種方式接種BWYV分離病毒株作為偽菜蚜的獲毒來源,5隻傳毒率則可達100%;當蚜蟲獲毒溫度為20℃或接種溫度為25℃時,傳毒率可達100%;蚜蟲取食帶毒植株1 h即可獲毒,若取食時間達48 h,傳毒率可達100%。利用白菜離葉測試市面上8種常用殺蟲藥劑對偽菜蚜的防治效果,包括24.7%賽速洛寧膠囊水懸混劑(61.75 mg a.i. L^(-1))、16%可尼丁水溶性粒劑(40.00 mg a.i. L^(-1))、25%賽速安水溶性粒劑(50.00 mg a.i. L^(-1))、20%達特南水溶性粒劑(10.00 mg a.i. L^(-1))、1%密滅汀乳劑(6.67 mg a.i. L^(-1))、20%亞滅培水溶性粉劑 (33.33 mg a.i. L^(-1))、18.2%益達胺水懸劑(22.75 mg a.i. L^(-1))、50%培丹水溶性粉劑(500.00 mg a.i. L^(-1))等,噴灑48 h後,蚜蟲防治率均可達87%以上。以清潔劑及油類等非農藥防治資材評估對於蚜蟲的防治效果,以35%無患子濃縮液稀釋50×及99%礦物油稀釋300×的蚜蟲防治率較佳。


Symptoms of suspected virus infection in cruciferous vegetable fields mainly include symptoms of leaf mosaic, mottle, yellows, vein necrosis, vein enation, and stunting. This study used virus sera of Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Radish mosaic virus (RaMV), Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), Turnip ring spot virus (TuRSV) with indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (indirect ELISA) to investigate the infection ratio of different viruses in the simple facilities. Among them, the detection rate of 6 viruses was the highest with TuMV, followed by BWYV. The most effective mixed-virus infections were BWYV and TuMV. The above 6 sera and indirect ELISA analysis were also used to detect seed grinding liquids of a total of 27 varieties and 40 lots of cruciferous vegetables, including heading Chinese cabbage, non-heading Chinese cabbage, cabbage, rape, mustard, Chinese kale, cauliflower, broccoli and radish. Results showed that no virus was detected. The leaf mustard or leaf radish inoculated with the TuMV single-spot isolated strain or BWYV by artificial inoculation method was used as a source of virus for the turnip aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach) to study the transmission characteristics. Symptoms appeared after 10 d of inoculation when a radish leaf was inoculated one turnip aphid with TuMV. The TuMV transmission efficiency can reach to 100% when 5 aphids were inoculated at the same time. When the acquisition and inoculation temperature of turnip aphid was at 25℃, the virus transmission efficiency can reach 100%. The transmission efficiency can reach 100% when the acquisition access time for aphids was 10 min. The virus transmission efficiency reached 100% when the aphid inoculation access time was 60 min. By inoculating BWYV isolates with artificial inoculation as a source of virus for turnip aphid, the efficiency of virus transmission can reach 100% when 5 aphids with BYWV were used to spread the virus. As the acquisition temperature of turnip aphid was set at 20℃, the virus transmission efficiency can reach 100%. When the inoculation temperature was 25℃, the virus transmission efficiency can reach 100%. The transmission efficiency can reach 100% when the acquisition access time was more than 48 h. Using pakchoi leaves to test 8 commonly insecticides found in the market, the aphids control rate can reach 87% or more after spraying 24.7% Thiamethoxam + Lambda-cyhalothrin suspension concentrates (SC), 16% Clothianidin soluble granules (SG), 25% Thiamethoxam SG, 20% Dinotefuran SG, 1% Milbemectin emulsifiable concentrate (EC), 20% Acetamiprid soluble powder (SP), 18.2% Imidacloprid SC, and 50% Cartap SP for 48 h, respectively. Non-pesticide control plant protection materials such as detergents and oils were used to evaluate the control effect on aphids, it showed that the better aphid control rate was found by spraying with 50× of 35% soap tree concentrate and 300× of 99% mineral oil.
