  • 期刊


Caring for Teenage Girls: From the Perspective of Establishing Women's Health Consultations on Campuses




Women's health problems are increasing among teenage girls in modern society. However, there are only a few programs related to women's health consultation on campuses. Three issues are explored in this paper-the health rights of teenage girls, women's health consultations, and teenage girls' subjective views about the establishment of a women's health consultation service on their campus. In the course of our research of teenage girls' subjective views, three hundred and eighty-seven young girl students responded to questionnaires and seven volunteer students among them were invited to do in-depth interviews. Most students (98.2%) thought that it was necessary to set up a women's health consultation service on campus, because they hoped to get personal health information that could not be found in a textbook. Three hundred and five (78.8%) students perceived that they had women's health problems. Their health problems are ranked as follows: dysmenorrhea, irregularity of menstrual periods, unusual vaginal secretions and questions of contraception and urinary system health. They suggested that campus consultation centers should have the following characteristics protection of students' privacy, provision of multiple channels for consultation, strict limitation on numbers of people in the consulting office, and a non-discriminatory policy towards all clients. Hopefully, an information database can provide a good reference for establishing a women's health consultation service on campus in the near future.
