  • 期刊


Application of Spaced Retrieval Training on Patients with Dementia


失智症患者因語意及情節記憶受損,顯著地影響其獨立執行日常活動的能力,因而增加了照顧者的負荷。間時提取訓練(spaced retrieval training)乃是基於輕、中度失智症患者仍保留完整的內隱/非陳述性記憶,藉由重複地提取操作,獲得無意識地學習,進而強化其認知及動作之技能,代償了個案因記憶損傷所衍生之問題。本文旨在說明間時提取訓練之操作原理,並針對影響訓練成效的因素及實際應用進行討論,期望能增進相關照護專業人員對間時提取訓練的認識,並加以運用,以改善失智症患者的日常活動能力,並提升個案及照護者的生活品質。


Dementia causes semantic and episodic memory impairments that limit patients' activities of daily living (ADL) and increase caregiver burden. Spaced retrieval training uses repetitive retrieval to strengthen cognitive and motor skills intuitively in mild / moderate dementia patients who retain preserved implicit / non-declarative memory. This article describes and discusses the operative mechanism, influencing variables, and practical applications of spaced retrieval training. We hope this article increases professional understanding and application of this training approach to improve dementia patient ADL and improve quality of life for both caregivers and patients.


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