  • 期刊


The Learning Experiences of Nurse Practitioners Participating in the NP Training Program


背景 台灣專科護理師自2006年實施甄審制度以來,國內少有探討相關教育發展之研究,因此,探討專科護理師在培訓課程中的學習經驗,期待藉由本研究結果能提升我國專科護理師教育發展之品質。目的 探討專科護理師參與培訓課程之收穫、困難、成長與感受。方法 本研究為質性研究設計,以半結構式訪談指引為研究工具,透過與十位專科護理師面對面的深度訪談,進行資料收集,並以內容分析法做資料分析。結果 歸納出七個主題:(一)職場與個人需求兼顧、(二)專業及思考能力的提升、(三)內外在自信心之建立、(四)實習之學習角色受限、(五)學習成效因素考量、(六)多重角色負荷之衝擊、(七)角色定位與行為展現。結論 專科護理師培訓課程之相關產、官、學界,應確立目前專科護理師培訓課程之目標、內容及甄審方向的一致性,並發揮監督之功能,也需積極栽培真正對專科護理師角色素養有深度了解之師資,設計以學習者為中心之課程,才能適才適教,培育專科護理師人才。


Background: Training programs for nurse practitioners (NPs) have been provided in Taiwan since 2006. However, little research has been conducted into the development or assessment of these programs. Investigating the learning experiences of NPs in these programs may provide insights to help improve program quality.Purpose: This qualitative study used purposeful sampling and semi-structured, in-depth interviews to collect data from 10 NP participants in an NP training programs.Methods: This qualitative study used purposeful sampling and semi-structured, in-depth interviews to collect data from ten nurse practitioners regarding their learning experiences during training. Data was analyzed using content analysis.Results: Seven themes emerged related to participant learning experiences. These themes were: (1) improvements in professional and personal performance; (2) enhancement of professional decision-making; (3) building-up of self-confidence; (4) fulfillment of clinical service during internship; (5) balance of professional and personal roles; (6) evaluation of training effectiveness; and (7) professional roles, expectations, and actual performance.Conclusions: Government agencies, institutes of higher education, and the medical profession should cooperate to develop universal standards for NP training and assessments and supervise the administration of NP training properly. In addition, NP training should adopt a learner-oriented approach and be delivered by preceptors with a clear understanding of the professional expectations of the NP role in order to achieve optimal patient care outcomes.


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