  • 期刊


Hospice Palliative Care Policy in Taiwan: Past Developments and Future Perspectives




The duty of medical personnel is to save lives, cure diseases, relieve suffering, and promote health. Medical personnel care for their patients from birth to death. At the end of terminal care, medical personnel should maintain a religious / holistic commitment to their patients to "remove their suffering and provide happiness" as much as possible. Mackay Hospital opened the first hospice in Taiwan in 1990. Financial coverage of hospice care by the National Health Insurance, the enactment of the Hospice Palliative Act, the attention of Hospital Accreditation to hospice care, and the establishment of the system of clinical chaplaincy have all contributed to the development of hospice palliative care in Taiwan. Application of the Taiwan Coma Scale has been shown to decrease the use of futile life sustaining treatments in the ICU. The author hopes that nurses may further expand community hospice care services to help facilitate the peaceful dying of terminal patients at home.


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