  • 期刊


The Development of Research Ethics Involving Indigenous People in Taiwan: A Brief Introduction


近年國內研究倫理治理架構的漸次建制,如何讓研究工作符合倫理要求,已成為學術社群的重要課題。在這一波研究倫理實踐過程中,原住民族研究倫理議題亦同時浮出檯面,其原因除了原住 民族因其族群弱勢而為研究倫理中易受傷害群體外;原住民族集體權利意識的提升,也讓研究人員必須面對原住民族集體同意權的行使與保障。為使學術社群與原住民族間營造更為健康與互信的研究合作關係,本文先從民族自決觀點,解釋集體同意權的背景脈絡,進而說明當前國內原住民族研究倫理治理架構的建立,並援引國外案例作為未來原住民族研究倫理實踐之參考。


Adhering to ethics protocols has become increasingly important in the process of doing research in Taiwan since the introduction of research-ethics mechanisms. Adhering to these protocols affects research on Taiwan’s indigenous peoples due to the vulnerability of indigenous groups and to their increasing rights consciousness. The present paper explains the context of group rights from a national self-determination perspective and then discusses the current indigenous research-ethics mechanisms in Taiwan. The ethical guidelines for indigenous research in Canada, TCPS2 2014-Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans are referenced as a model for protocols that may foster positive and mutually trusting relationships between academic researchers and indigenous communities in Taiwan.


陳叔倬、陳張培倫(2011).社群研究同意權在台灣的實踐─以噶瑪蘭社群否決與西拉雅社群同意為例.台灣原住民族研究季刊,4(3),33–59。[Chen, S. J., & Tansikian, T. (2011). The practice of indigenous group consent toward genetic researches in Taiwan—In cases of Kavalan and Siraya. Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies, 4(3), 33–59.]
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, & Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (1998). Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical conduct for research involving humans. Retrieved from http://www.pre.ethics.gc.ca/archives/tcps-eptc/docs/TCPS%20October%202005_E.pdf
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, & Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (2014). TCPS2—Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical conduct for research involving humans. Retrieved from http://www.pre.ethics.gc.ca/eng/policy-politique/initiatives/tcps2-eptc2/Default
人體研究法.總統華總一義字第10000291401號公布(2011年,12月28日)[Human Subjects Research Act, President order Hua Chung (1) Yi Tze No. 10000291401 announced. (2011, December 28)]
人體研究計畫諮詢取得原住民族同意與約定商業利益及其應用辦法.原住民族委員會原民社字第10400700041號、衛生福利部衛部醫字第1041669998號令會銜訂定發布(2015年,12月31日)[Approved methodology for acquiring the permission of indigenous peoples for human research projects and deriving commercial benefit from such activities and its application, Council of Indigenous Peoples Yuan Min She Zi No. 1041669998 and (concurrent) Ministry of Health and Welfare Wei Bu Yi Zi No. 1041669998 (2015, December 31)]


馬維芬、李佳霙、Ellen R. Gritz、Irene Tamí-Maury、Cho Lam、林正介(2017)。連接自我與家鄉的信物-檳榔在台灣原住民族文化中的角色護理雜誌64(3),65-73。https://doi.org/10.6224/JN.000041
