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Establishing a Nursing Informatics System to Improve the Completion Rate of Computed Tomography Simulation With Contrast Injection




Background & Problems: Problems that influence the safety and quality of the patient-positioning process during computed tomography (CT) simulation with contrast injection include: 1) inconsistent and incomplete procedures performed by medical staffs, 2) poor prevention of developer leakage and handling of side-effects, and 3) the lack of a standardized protocol. Desire to improve this situation encouraged us to do this project. Adverse events during CT simulation with contrast injection procedures are largely attributable to the lack of a standardized nursing informatics system, with other causes including nurses incorrectly performing allergy history assessments, incorrect communications with the doctor due to verbal orders given by phone, failure to perform proper patient identification and intravenous catheterization procedures, lack of assessment and knowledge about contrasts, lack of guidelines for warming contrast in the incubator, and lack of oxygen and sputum suction equipment. Purpose: To improve the rate of completion of CT simulation with contrast injection procedures from 65% to 95%. Resolution: This project was conducted between April 2016 and December 2016. Our strategy included establishing a nursing informatics system for the CT simulation with contrast injection process. This system included a standard patient-identification procedure, protocol for the correct placement of intravenous needles, standard specifications for the using an incubator with contrast, installation of oxygen and sputum suction equipment, and implementation of a nursing education and training program. Result: This project with associated strategies improved CT simulation with contrast injection completion rates in all domains from the original 65% to 95% at the end of the project period. Conclusions: This project improved significantly the completion rates of the CT simulation with contrast injection process. We want to share this experience to help other hospitals and to improve patient safety and quality of care.


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