  • 期刊


Preventive Care for Aspiration Pneumonia in Patients With an Indwelling Nasogastric Tube




More than 190,000 patients have been fitted with an indwelling nasogastric tube in Taiwan. Nasogastric tube feeding is a strategy for temporary or long-term feeding and for preventing aspiration pneumonia in patients with dysphagia. However, aspiration pneumonia is a common complication in patients fitted with a nasogastric tube. Displacement of the nasogastric tube, inappropriate length of the placed nasogastric tube resulting gastroesophageal reflux, inappropriate feeding posture and speed, and excessive gastric residual volume resulting in vomiting are important risk factors associated with aspiration pneumonia. In this article, the literature and clinical practice experiences were reviewed to identify methods used to confirm the length and positioning of nasogastric tubes. We further explored strategies for preventing oral-care and tube-feeding-induced aspiration pneumonia during the period of indwelling nasogastric tube. These strategies included adjusting the patient's positions for receiving tube feedings, feeding techniques, methods and frequency of gastric residual volume measurement, and conditions for stopping nasogastric feeding. This exploration was intended to provide nursing staff with relevant knowledge and skills for preventing aspiration pneumonia in patients with indwelling nasogastric tube to improve patient safety.


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