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Nursing Digital Transformation: An Example of an Electronic Whiteboard in a Regional Hospital in Central Taiwan


電子白板系統(electronic white board system)是智慧醫療中重要的一環,其功能逐漸提升成儀表板(dashboard)形式,並升級為具音效、觸控、圖像顯示及人臉辨識等功能,使得電子白板的效能更上層樓。電子白板在醫院的應用可分為兩大區域:護理站區域及病房區域。護理站電子白板可以依各科室、部門、院所的需求載入醫療資訊系統,為因應各科室的不同,所建置的系統也大相徑庭。因此醫院在建置護理站電子白板系統時,應提供適當的教育訓練,讓護理師了解電子白板與護理工作的關係及助益,以提高護理師對電子白板的使用意願及滿意度。醫療電子白板未來須強化病人區域電子白板功能,提升精準醫療照護及病人安全,並將知的權利回到病人身上,以提升醫、護、病溝通效率及滿意度。


護理 數位 電子白板


The electronic whiteboard system is an important part of smart medical care. This system has been digitized and upgraded gradually over time, and now functions as a dashboard, incorporating sound effects, touch control, image display, face recognition, and other functions that maximize usage efficiency. In hospitals, electronic whiteboards are specialized for dedicated use in one of two areas: nursing stations and wards. Those used in nursing stations may upload data into the medical information system based on departmental and institutional requirements. Systems are built to the specific needs of different clinical departments and thus differ widely in terms of settings and functionality. Therefore, hospitals should promote regular communication among doctors, nurses, and patients.


nursing digital electronic whiteboard


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