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Consuming Tibet: Imperial Romance and the Wretched of the Holy Plateau





西藏 異托邦 景觀 權力 帝國想像 凝視 他者 奇觀化


This essay tries to appropriate and actualize Said's critique of Orientalism and Mitchell's conception of the ideology of the imperial landscape in an attempt to show how the fantasy of Tibet as the other was constructed by the narrative and visual technologies of imperialist ideology in the service of its own interests. The essay argues that both the mode of conquest and that of being conquered by the Tibetan landscape have misrepresented and distorted the nature of Tibet, thus actually reflecting the effect of imperialist hegemonic power over the indigenous people.Between Western imperialism and the communists, Tibet has been consumed, becoming a ”contact zone” in which contending powers and interests play against each other.


Aide-mémoire from U.S. State Department to the British Embassy, 13 July 1942, FO371/35756. British Foreign Office Records. The National Archives of the United Kingdom (UKNA). Print.
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