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The Virtual We: The Survivors, the Cities, and the Cosmos in Doris Lessing’s Shikasta





萊辛 德勒茲 瓜特里 知感 情感 城市 倖存者


In juxtaposing the ancient geometric cities, of old, static, colonial design, and the future post-catastrophic utopian cities, of new, intuitive, evolutionary design, Lessing highlights the transition from one to the other. The post-catastrophic cities and the Survivors form an indiscernible relationship and connect with the cosmic force, SOWF. The transition vividly maps the divergences and mutations of the Survivors and their becoming-city, envisioning the cross-fertilization between the two parties. The dissolving of boundaries between the cities and the Survivors facilitates the formation of a new virtual "we" that encompasses different beings such as stones, plants, apes, Giants, Shikastans, and even Canopeans and triggers the emergence of a virtual cosmos of multiplicity. Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of perceptand affect promote understanding of how the Survivors, in the "virtual" act of rebuilding, evolve and "become the city" instead of monitoring the rebuilding via conscious implementation of an "actual" rigid cosmic Master Plan, highlight the divergences of the evolving cities, and reveal the formation of a new virtual "we," a key element of the virtual cosmos of symbiotic evolution.


Lessing Deleuze Guattari percept affect cities Survivors


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