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It's All for Sale: Market, Theater, and Flesh Trade in Ben Jonson's Bartholomew Fair



The main characters in Ben Jonson's Bartholomew Fair go to the fair to taste freshly-roasted pigs. This essay begins with the query of why this is so, investigating the relationships between the sale of festive roast pork, commodified sex, and commercial theater in the emerging capitalist economy. Jonson makes close connections between the Puritan admonition against roast pig eating, the Puritans' anti-theatrical discourses, and male surveillance of women and their chastity in Renaissance England. Past researches of Puritan anti-theatrical discourses reveal that what worried the Puritan elders most was the theater's potential to lure through sexual fantasies and whet erotic desires. They suspected that theater provided a resort for men and women to meet and commit fornication. In Jonson's satire, the Puritan husbands are so occupied with their own businesses that they neglect their wives, who are tempted by elaborate costumes and material delights and even become whores. Moreover, in both the upper-class heiress's and the middle-class widow's choice of husbands, the men's inability to control women's virginity and chastity is displayed. All in all, Ben Jonson's Bartholomew Fair presents a world of emerging capitalism where everything-including art, women, and even marriage-can be traded. In this world, theatrical productions are harshly attacked and strictly censored due to its possible connections with prostitution, but religious and juridical institutions fail to discipline debauched wives; and most importantly, capitalist values starkly subvert conventional moral boundaries.




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