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Morphology and Morphogenesis of Rubrioxytricha indica n. sp. (Ciliophora: Hypotrichida)


Rubrioxytricha indica n. sp. 80×30 μm in vivo was isolated from a pond in New Delhi, India. It possesses a single caudal cirrus and numerous brown coloured crystalloids in the cytoplasm and three contractile vacuoles. Uniformly scattered dark granules are present either as single entities or in clusters of 2-5. The ventral ciliature consists of 18 frontal-ventral-transverse cirri, one row each of right and left marginal cirri, three long dorsal kineties, two dorsomarginal rows, two undulating membranes (UMs) in Cyrtohymena pattern (Berger and Foissner 1997) and a question mark shaped adoral zone of membranelles. The cirrus V/3 participates in morphogenesis at very late stages of division; its kinetosomes merging with the posterior part of the developing UMs of the opisthe. There is no splitting of the third dorsal primordium. Consequently three dorsal kineties (DK(subscript 1-3)) are formed and only one caudal cirrus develops at the end of DK3.
