  • 期刊
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Description of Leptopharynx bromeliophilus nov. spec. and Leptopharynx australiensis nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Nassulida)


Using standard morphological methods, we describe two new Leptopharynx species, each discovered in a specific biogeographic region and habitat. Leptopharynx bromeliophilus nov. spec., a minute species (25 × 20 μm) discovered in tanks of bromeliads from Jamaica, is small-mouthed and has a slightly concave preoral region, an average of 27 basal bodies in kinety 4, and a total of 142 basal bodies on average. Leptopharynx australiensis nov. spec., a comparatively large species (40 × 25 μm) discovered in jungle soil of Australia, is large-mouthed and has a distinctly oblique preoral region, widely spaced kinetids in kinety 1, a total of 184 basal bodies on average, and the oral primordium is inside of a cortical fold thus appearing right of the posterior end of kinety 1. Four new features are recognized for distinguishing Leptopharynx species: (1) to have a monomorphic (producing either small- or large-mouthed cells) or polymorphic (producing microstomes and macrostomes) life cycle; (2) the spacing of the kinetids in kinety 1 as either ordinary or wide; (3) the shape (flat or concave) and angle (≤15° slightly oblique, ≥40° distinctly oblique) of the preoral region; and (4) the total number of basal bodies, which has proven statistically.
