  • 期刊


The Bodily Experience within the Transformation of Dwelling Forms between 1949 and the1980s


市中的集居形式一直為商品住宅市場所主導,居住的身體經驗往往是透過住宅商品的交易而被開發,並因著商品市場的定價機制具像化為可以訴諸價格差異的視覺表徵。現代城市基礎設施提供的舒適與衛生經驗連結著郊區地景中的小住宅商品的視覺意象,一同建構出當時潛在的空間消費者關乎集居形式的種種價值判準。解放後上海面臨著社會主義國家對於住宅市場的強力干預,住宅經由國家的制度所分配,也使得居住的選擇侷限於國家規範的有限集居形式之內。受限於國家財政,長期匱乏的住宅供給也使得過去商品市場階段所生產出的既有集居形式(老上海里弄)被以市場之外的國家制度性分配與居住者自身的調整,重新賦予了新的功能與意義。本文鎖定上海解放後的住宅發展歷程,意圖探究:1. 住宅由從取之於市場到全然仰賴國家分配,居住的身體經驗產生了何種變化?個人的身體與家庭係如何自我修正以調適於新的集居形式之內?2. 在國家高度干預的前提下,身體經驗的項目(categories)與內涵和市場主導的時期有何差別?本論文透過對於前述的住宅形式與集體的集居經驗之變遷過程的理解,循此,期許可更深入地理解身體經驗與物質條件及社會過程之間的對應關係。


In the context of China's contemporary urban history, Shanghai was the first city which had a great number of its housing units produced as commodities. Most of the dwelling forms were built for sale or to rent, and the majority of the living experiences were invoked and came into being by something made for real estate promotion. Therefore, dwellers' aspiration towards comfort and convenience often coincided with some distinguishable outward appearance and demanded for higher price in the housing market. That was the reason even the new bodily experience of comfort and hygiene in contemporary cities could be related to the modern infrastructure and public utilities; but they often were correlated to visual images about the detached bungalow-like housing units in suburbs. Judgments about dwellings manifested themselves within the factual living experience and visual contact with the outward appearance. After 1949, Shanghai's original housing market encountered stringent intervention from the new socialist state. Housing units were no longer supplied by the market but were rather built and distributed by the state's new institutes according to new building regulations. People's dwelling selections were limited to specific kinds of dormitories which the socialist state could provide. Even more, insufficient housing investment not only reduced the housing supply but also compelled the existing housing units which had been built for sale or rent (e.g. the Shanghai Lilong) to be entirely distributed by the state. Consequently both the housing allotment from the state and self accommodation by the users resulted in dwelling forms being given new functions and meanings under the prevailing egalitarian ideology. This paper focuses on Shanghai's housing development after the socialist reform of the 1950s and explores: 1. The transformation of dwellers' bodily experience that occur when all the housing units were distributed by the state and could no longer be obtained from the market or were necessarily appropriate to one's affordability and how the human body and the interactions between family members accommodated themselves to the new socialist scenarios. 2. Given a high level of state intervention, what is the difference between categories of bodily experience and their connotations and those of the period when market forces ruled. Through an understanding of the transformational process of dwelling forms and the collective living experience, this paper attempts to interpret the correspondence between bodily experience, material conditions, and the social process within the period during which socialist ideologies prevailed.


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