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Plant Utilization and Rice Cultivation Based on Phytolith Analysis of the Peinan Site, Eastern Taiwan




The Peinan Site is the representative site of the Peinan Culture of the late Neolithic Age in eastern Taiwan. Based on the geographical environment and climatic characteristics, the Peinan Site has high temperatures and low rainfall, and is suitable for the growth of dry-farming crops. In terms of archaeological remains, a large number of stone tools for agricultural harvesting have been unearthed, but actual plant remains have been elusive in the site's archaeological research. This research attempts to apply phytolith analysis to identify the relevant clues of plant remains at the Peinan Site, and further analyzes temporal changes and the spatial distribution of the same period to enhance our understanding of the plant utilization and agricultural development of the Peinan Cultural people. Based on the results of the phytolith analysis of ceramic and soil samples, rice was part of the prehistoric peoples' daily lives from the early period of the Peinan Culture. It disappeared after the end of the Peinan Culture, and its distribution is related to the settlement layout. In addition, the Oryza phytoliths in the Peinan Site are judged to be of the indica type through subspecies analysis. Identification of the subspecies of prehistoric rice may be used as an opportunity to deepen research on Taiwan's agricultural prehistory and related issues such as population and material transmission routes.


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Deng, Zhenhua, Hsiao-chun Hung, Mike T. Carson, Peter Bellwood, Shu-ling Yang and Houyuan Lu 2017 The first discovery of Neolithic rice remains in eastern Taiwan: Phytolith evidence from the Chaolaiqiao site. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 10: 1477-1484. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-017-0471-z.
