  • 期刊


Hepatoprotective, Antifibrotic and Antioxidant Potential of Gypenoside and Bifenbate on Chronic Liver Injury Induced by CCl4 in Rats


本研究目的,擬評估絞股藍皂苷合聯苯雙脂對四氣化碳誘導大白鼠慢性肝損傷為期八週的保肝作用、抗肝纖維化及抗氣化作用。結果顯示:絞股藍皂苷合聯苯雙脂在四氣化碳所誘導的慢性肝損傷中,能峰低血清sGOT及sGPT值升高,減緩A/G ratio下降趨勢,並使肝膠原蛋白含量減少。此結果在病理觀察中亦獲得證實,肝纖維中隔明顯減少或變薄,顯示絞股藍皂苷合聯苯雙脂可做為保肝及抗肝纖維化劑。此外本方亦具抗氧化作用,能清除自由基,顯著抑制肝組織脂質過氧化(LPO),及提高肝組織中過氧化氫酵素(Catalase)活性。


The purpose of study was to evaluate hepatoprotective, antifibrotic and antioxidant potential of GB Formula(Gypenoside+Bifenbate) in chronic liver injury induced by CC14 in rats for 8 weeks. Results demonstrated that the serum level of sGOT and sGPT activities in CC14 liver injury reduced significantly by treated with GB Formula. The GB Formula elevated the A/G ratio and also had the effect of reducing the collagen content. These phenomena arc confirmed by pathologic observation, and the thinner band of liver collagen are also find. The results suggest that these drugs are hepatoprotectic and anti-fibrotic agents. And their effects of anti-oxidation were attribute to the potential of GB Formula as a free radical scavenger that inhibited lipid peroxidation and elevated the level of catalase.
