



Cancer remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Advance has been made in treating cancer including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and target therapy. However, a significant proportion of patients still die despite treatment, indicating that new, more effective managements for cancer therapy are needed. Cancer immunotherapy is providing a revolutionizing cancer treatment through enhancing the body’s antitumor immune functions. Immune checkpoint blockade with monoclonal antibodies directed at the inhibitory immune receptors CTLA-4, PD-1, and PD-L1 has emerged as a successful treatment for cancer patients. In addition, a range of cancer immunotherapy approaches have proven effective in many patients, including: monoclonal antibodies, immune checkpoint blockers, cancer vaccines, and cell-based therapies. The success observed with cancer immunotherapy treatments emphasizes the importance of understanding tumor immunology, particularly the roles of tumor antigens and the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Many novel immunotherapy agents have been developed that effectively fight cancer. Nevertheless, immunotherapy can cause side effects as skin reactions or flu-like symptoms. Though the most common adverse effects are mild, immunotherapies may also cause severe or even fatal allergic reactions. Fortunately, many new immunotherapy strategies and agents are being researched and tested in clinical trials, which will hopefully provide new effective treatments for patients living with relapsed or refractory malignancies.


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