  • 期刊


Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine in Treating Ischemic Stroke in Posterior Cerebral Artery : A Case Report


腦中風發生後必須要把握中風發生後前半年的黃金恢復期,尤其是前3個月恢復最快。本篇臨床案例報告將報告一位55歲右側後大腦動脈急性缺血性腦中風男性病患,在急性醫療後進入急性後期之醫療整合照護(post-acute care, PAC)計畫,配合採用全民健康保險西醫住院病患中醫特定疾病輔助醫療計畫會診中醫,接受中西醫聯合治療過程中,中醫針灸藥物治療與職能治療以及物理治療之具體復健成效。我們認為中醫針灸調理與中藥方劑治療作為輔助及替代性療法,對於西醫治療腦中風患者的感覺動作障礙與生活品質之提昇確實成效良好。這篇案例報告提供一個中西醫整合有效治療後大腦動脈缺血性腦中風復健之範例。


Treating a stroke must take advantage of the first 6 months after the cerebrovascular accident, especially the period with best recovery within 3 months. This is a case of a 55 years old male with right ischemic stroke in posterior cerebral artery, attending the post-acute care (PAC) program following acute stage therapy. This case report described the established efficacy of rehabilitation in Chinese medicine and acupuncture, occupational therapy and physical therapy during the PAC program. We considered that Chinese medicine and acupuncture therapy as an adjuvant and alternative therapy to western medicine in treating stroke could make significant progress in treating motor and sensory impairments and in improving quality of daily life. This case report provided a successful example of the integration of Chinese and western medicine in treating ischemic stroke in posterior cerebral artery.


衛福部:106 年國人死因統計結果,2018年 6 月 15 日,取自 https://www.mohw.gov.tw/cp-3795-41794-1.html
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