  • 期刊


A Study on the Effect between Lifestyle and Learning Needs of Older Adults in Elder College of Kaohsiung City


本研究以參與高雄市長青學苑學習課程之高齡者為對象,進行高齡者生活型態與學習需求之研究,旨在探討生活型態對學習需求之影響。 研究結果將高齡者之生活型態歸納為五大傾向,包括:「自信學習傾向」、「家庭保守傾向」、「休閒外向傾向」、「社會導向傾向」以及「關懷助人傾向」。其中以家庭保守傾向最多,其次為自信學習傾向,關懷助人傾向最少;而高齡者之學習需求被區分為七大層面,包含:「休閒生活與娛樂」、「衛生健康」、「社會政治」、「資訊科技」、「語文與科學」、「自我實現與成長」以及「社會關懷與服務」,其中以衛生健康層面需求為最高,另外,高齡者中年齡層較低之生活型態傾向家庭保守,教育程度愈高者,愈傾向自信學習,經濟狀況愈好者,則傾向社會導向傾向的生活型態。男性高齡者,在資訊科技層面之學習需求高於女性,而年齡較低之老年人,於社會關懷與服務及自我實現與發展層面之學習需求高於年齡較高者。再者,高齡者於各層面生活型態之傾向愈高者,其於學習需求之程度也愈明顯,但各傾向生活型態之高齡者於資訊科技層面之學習需求均最低。不過,高齡者生活型態、年齡、教育程度、健康狀況以及居住狀況對學習需求最具有預測力。 因此,本研究建議若能配合高齡者生活型態,提供符合高齡者學習需求之課程內容或相關資源,將有助於提升其參與學習之意願。此外,為了使高齡者能適應此資訊科技時代,增進其相關技能,若高齡者教育機構能設立資訊科技之相關課程與學習環境,必能進一步提升高齡者運用科技資訊的能力。


高齡者 生活型態 學習需求


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect between lifestyle and learning needs of older adults. A valid sample with a total of 280 older adults ho participated in the 25(superscript th) learning curriculum program offered by the Elder College of Kaohsiung City was collected and analyzed under this survey. Based on statistical analysis, the final results were showed as follows: 1. Older adults' lifestyle tendencies were categorized into five groups such as ”confidence-learning”, ”family-conservative”, ”leisure-directed” ”society-directed”, and ”society-caring”. ”Family-conservative lifestyle” tendency was the highest, and ”society-caring lifestyle” tendency was the lowest among the five lifestyle tendencies. 2. Older adults' learning needs were divided into seven parts including ”information technology”, ”social politics”, ”language and science”, ”leisure- life and entertainment”, ”hygiene and health”, and ”self-actualization and development”. ”Hygiene and health” learning was most demanded among the seven kinds of learning needs. 3. Younger older adults tended to ”family-conservative lifestyle”, and elders under better financial circumstance had higher tendency towards ”society-directed lifestyle”. Besides, elders with higher education would have higher tendency towards ”confidence-learning lifestyle”. 4. Male older adults have higher learning needs of information technology than female older adults. On the other hand, the younger of older adults, the more of learning needs related to society-caring as well as self-actualization and development. 5. On the whole, older adults who had higher tendency towards lifestyles showed higher degree of learning needs significantly. Besides, older adults' lifestyles, age, education, health, and living predicted learning needs significantly. Finally, on the basis of the aforementioned findings and conclusions, this study provided some concrete suggestions as that if we could provide curriculum according to elders' li1styles and learning needs, the willingness for elders to learn will be improved. In addition, institutes concerning elder education should set up courses as well as circumstances related to information technology to enhance elders' ability of applying technology step by step in the fast-change technological century.


Older adults Lifestyle Learning needs


