  • 期刊

The Needs and Demands of Women Farmers in Agricultural Production and Rural Livelihood, and Their Expected Roles in Rural Development



在台灣,農業的經營型態主要是家庭農場,農場工作地點與家庭生活地點常連結在一起,農場人力的需求性使農家婦女成為農場的重要勞力來源。台灣農家的農場工作分工情形,以夫妻共同承擔為多數。農家婦女常參與許多被認為該由男性擔任的農場工作,特別是需要投入密集的勞力且為多面性工作項目的產業。婦女是先生的工作伙伴,婦女支持先生的事業。研究指出夫妻皆表示家庭管理工作應該夫妻共同分擔,但絕大多數實際上是由太太獨自承擔家庭管理工作。農家家庭管理工作夫妻之分工情形有「觀念」和「執行」的落差。 農家婦女對於參與班組及研習活動幾乎都表示有必要,認為除了可增加知識、拓展人際關係外,還可以紓解壓力,發洩心中的鬱悶。但她們參加的不多,未參加的主要原因是:工作太忙、小孩沒人照顧、會耽誤工作、不知道訊息、交通不方便、時間未能配合、或認為先生參加就好。因此如何協助去除學習障礙應是當務之急。在推動新農業運動之際,強調農村婦女人力資源發展有其時代意義。農村婦女從傳統到現代,其角色功能愈趨多元,在家庭要扮演兼顧內外的持家者與養家者角色,在社會要扮演社會公民、服務人群的角色,因此對其適當角色扮演所需之能力宜協助其有所增進,對其學習需求與需求之滿足宜有所瞭解與關注。


The major type of agricultural management in Taiwan is the ”family farm”, in which the farming site is usually connected with the living area of the farming family and the demand for manpower on the farm makes women an important source of farm labor. While work on the farm is shared between husband and wife in most farms of Taiwan. Women farmers often participate in many work items which are supposed to be done by men, especially in industries requiring intensive labor and involving multi-faceted work items. Women farmers not only work with their husbands but also support their careers. However, it is shown in previous studies that, while farming couples acknowledge that home management should be shared between husband and wife, it is, in most cases, the wives who do the work alone. There is a gap between ”concept” and ”execution” in the labor division of home management in farming families. Almost all women farmers believe it is necessary for them to attend classes and other learning activities, which are thought to be helpful not only in increasing knowledge and expanding personal relationships, but also in relieving pressure and distress. However, actual participation by women farmers is scarce and their reasons include: they are busy at work, their children need to be looked after, their work will be delayed, they have no such information, transportation or time does not allow, or they think their husbands' attendance will be enough. Therefore, it is imperative to help women farmers overcome the learning barriers. Now that the New Agriculture Movement is on its way, it is of contemporary significance to emphasize the human resource development and lifelong learning of women farmers. From the old to the modern times, the roles of women farmers have much diversified: they are now the mistress and supporter of the family as well as a citizen and service provider in society. It is, therefore, advised to help them enhance their capability in playing appropriate roles and to further understand their need for learning and the satisfaction of their other needs and demands.


