  • 期刊

病例報告:養殖淡水石斑魚(Cichlasoma managuense)錐蟲病(Trypanosomiasis)

Case Report: Trypanosomiasis of Cultured Freshwater Fish (Cichlasoma manaquense)


一放養二千尾淡水石斑魚種魚池,共約有10%魚隻發生體色變黑,游動緩慢,厭食及陸續死亡等症狀,經剖檢15尾病魚,結果:體色變黑的有15/15尾,眼球混濁凸出的有10/15尾, 鰓顏色變淡的有12 / 15尾,脾臟腫大的有14/15尾,肝臟呈黃色脆弱的有14 /15尾。組織病理切片下,脾臟網狀內皮細胞增生,且含大量血鐵素,肝臟脂肪變性,且於全身各組織臟器血管中皆可見錐蟲蟲體。病魚血液學檢查呈中度至嚴重之貧血,紅血球總數(TEC)、血容比(PCV)、血紅素濃度(Hb)皆下降,且血液中皆含錐蟲蟲體。血液塗抹片經染色鏡檢可見大量錐蟲,蟲體經掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察,其發育期皆為錐蟲型期(trypomastigote form),故診斷為魚類錐蟲病(fish trypanosomiasis)。本病例是本省首度暴發之養殖淡水石斑魚錐蟲病病例。


淡水石斑魚 錐蟲病


An outbreak disease occurred in a pond raising about 2,000 freshwater fish (Cichlasoma manaquense) from an aquaculture farm in southern Taiwan. The clinical signs of affected fish showed anorexia, black discoloration of body surface, sluggish swimming and weakness before death. The total morbidity was about 10% and fifteen fish were sent for necropsy. In gross, all examined fish had black discoloration on the body surface; also, yellowish liver (14/15), splenomegaly (14/15), pale gill (12/15), and eye cloudiness with protrusion (10/ 15) were noticed. Histopathologically, hyperplasia of reticuloendothelial cell associated with hemosiderin deposition was found in the spleen, and the liver showed massive hepatical fatty change. Moreover, trypanosoma penetrated every blood vessel of all visceral organs. Hematological examination revealed mild to severe anemia with various degrees of reduction in total erythrocyte count, packed cell volume, and haemoglobin concentration. In addition, numerous trypanosoma were found in the examined blood film, and the protozoa were confirmed as trypomastigote form stage of trypanosoma through scanning electromicroscopic study. From the results, it was concluded that the outbreak disease was caused by Trypanosoma sp. This is the first case report of freshwater fish trypanosomiasis found in Taiwan.


