  • 期刊


Type-Specific-Serovars Distribution of Streptococcus Agalactiae Isolated from Taiwan


本試驗先以捷克CNCTC(Czeckoslovak National Collecion of Culture)標準菌株免疫兔子並行交叉吸收後,製得9種特異性血清型(type-specific serovars; TSS)血清;並於民國80年7月至81年7月間,由本省北中南三地10個酪農專業區之122個乳牛場,分離得178株無乳鏈球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae; SA)。經以自製的各型血清加以鑑定分析役,得知(一)TSS複合型的分佈率依序分別為:X(42.13%)、IaX(35.96%)、Ia(6.74%)、Ⅱ(2.25 %)、IcX(1.69%)、Ia/c(1.12%)、IaⅡ(0.56%)及Ic(0.56%),無法鑑定血清型(NT)者有5.62%,(二)TSS單型分佈率,最高者為X(83.15%),其次分別是Ia(44.38%)、Ⅱ(6.18)及Ic(3.37%),Ib、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ及R型則未出現,(三)本省三區中,以南區出現的TSS型別種類最多,尤其柳營專業區最為嚴重有8種綜合型出現;當中之IaⅡ、Ic、Ⅱ及ⅡX等4型,更是只出沒於南區,而未曾見於北中2區,(四)中部福寶專業區雖又有5種綜合型,但當中的Ia/c型則為全省所僅見。本試驗所進行之SA菌TSS型血清製備及全省菌株分佈率調查,為本省人醫及獸醫兩方面的第一次。


By using 10 CNCTC type strains of Streptococcus agalactiae (SA), each with its characteristic type-specific-serovar (TSS), to immunize rabbit and also following with cross-absorption procedure, we succeeded in preparing 9 kinds of TSS sera. We also conducted a wide range investigation regarding the infection rates of SA among 10 major dairy-raising districts located at 3 areas (northern, middle and south) of Taiwan from July 1991 till July 1992. Totally 178 SA strains were isolated from 122 dairy farms during this investigation. TSS type-identification of these 178 local SA strains revealed that: (1) distribution rates of complex-TSS types were X, 42.13%; IaX, 35.96%; Ia, 6.74%; ⅡX, 3.37%; Ⅱ, 2.25%; IcX, 1.69%; Ia/c, 1.12%; IaⅡ, 0.56%; and Ic, 0.56%, (2) distribution rates of mono-TSS types were X, 83.15%; Ia, 44.38%; Ⅱ, 6.18%; and Ic, 3.37%. No strains with type Ib, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, or R were found in this regard, (3) southern area of Taiwan was the most seriously contaminated one, especially for the Liu-Yin district, where 8 complex-TSS types were identified. Among these 8 complex-TSS tpes, 4 types including Ia Ⅱ, Ic, Ⅱ and ⅡX were even found to be concentrated at this area only, (4) Although as less as only 5 complex-TSS types were discoverd at Fu-Bou district of middle area, one of these complex-TSS types, namely Ia/c, was also found to be unique at this area only. This is the first report regarding with TSS sera preparation and their distribution rates of SA strains isolated from Taiwan.
