  • 期刊


The Serological Investigation of Akabane Disease in Taiwan




A survey of antibody response in cattle against Akabane virus were conducted. The PT-17 train of Akabane virus isolated from local herd was used as antigen for the serological investigation. 89% (158/181) and 93% (149/160) of the sera from cattle with nonsuppurative encephalitis syndrome showed positive reaction in the antibody test in 1989 and 1990, respectively. The imported cattle in Miaoli district were also monitered the antibody response at monthly intervals in 1993. The positive rate was 6% in April, when the cattle were just transferred into farm, then increased to 24%, 31% and 96% in May, June and October, respectively. The positive rate of imported herd increased as they stayed in farm. Four sentinel cattle herds in Tainan district were tested the antibody distribution every month from July of 1993 to June of 1994. The average antibody titer increased from July to October of 1993, and the highest titer were found in Octorber of 1993. From antibody's response of the sentinel herds in different area, we suspected that the enviroments and climate of the farms would influence the distribution of antibody. The reversion to higher titer were observed in April of 1994, and the same time several abnormal calves were also found in the sentinel herds. The change of antibody responses and abnormal cases in the sentinel herds revealed that Akabane virus was transmitted before April, the time seasonal thift from spring to summer in Taiwan. Furthermore, we collected 1,652 sera of cattle from 10 districts to determine their antibody against Akabane virus in 1994. 94.3% (1556/1652) of the sera had 4 fold or higher titer and recognized to be positive, 2.2% (37/1652) had 2 fold and the rest 3.5% (59/1652) were negative. The high positive rate in antibody response indicated that the cattle in Taiwan had been naturally infected by Akabane virus.


Akabane disease Arbovirus Serological survey
