  • 期刊


The Effects of the Herbicide Chlormethoxynil and 2, 4-D on External, Skeletal and Visceral Anomalies of Fetuses in Rats


以胃管投藥法探討甲氧基護谷(chlormethoxynil)及2,4-地(2,4-D)兩種本省常用除草劑其潛在致子鼠外觀、細部骨骼與內臟異常之影響。試驗結果顯示,兩藥劑在測試劑量下,均未引起子鼠外觀畸形(external malformation)。在誘發子鼠細部骨骼異常(skeletal variation and malformation)方面,甲氧基護谷藥劑可造成子鼠頭顱窗門張大、胸骨小於6根、胸骨異常或發育不全、肋骨融合、波浪狀肋骨或肋骨異常及啞鈴狀胸椎中心等症狀;2,4-地藥劑使子鼠形成頭顱窗門張大、胸骨異常或發育不全、波浪狀肋骨或肋骨異常及啞鈴狀胸椎中心等現象。就子鼠之內臟異常(visceral variation and malformation)而言,甲氧基護谷及2,4-地均可造成氣管不規則、腎臟左右大小不一、腦積水與腦室異常及大腦兩側大小不一及咽裂等異常;此外,甲氧基護谷藥劑另可產生胸腺分裂。兩藥劑所造成之子鼠畸形均屬輕度畸形性。


This study evaluated the teratologic effects as external, visceral, and skeletal examinations of fetus in rats. The test was administered by a gavage with the chlormethoxynil and2, 4-D. Experimental/ Analysis results did not detect any external malformations in the two herbicides. However, these herbicide-treated rats contained common skeletal anomalies and variations such as large open fontanelle, number of the sternal < 6, hypoplastic or split sternal, fused ribs, wavy ribs, dumbell-shaped thoracic center. In addition, among the visceral defects in the herbicides included irregular trachea, side-weighed kidney, enlarged brain ventricles, and cleft pharynx. Split thymus was found only in chlomethoxynil. Based on the results presented herein, we can conclude that chlormethoxynil and 2,4-0 are weakly teratogenic agents in rats.
