

一隻年約六歲之阿富汗母犬,因發燒(39.4℃)、食慾減退、行動遲緩且疼痛、張口痛與皮膚紅斑,而於民國88年5月31日至地方動物醫院就診,最初懷疑血液寄生蟲感染而給予doxycycline治療。因症狀未改善且持續發燒,血液檢查顯示淋巴球減少(<1000/mm^3),隨即被送至中興大學獸醫教學醫院做更進一步檢驗,其血清經間接免疫螢光染色呈現抗核抗體(ANA)陽性反應,進一步以西方墨漬法分析ANA,顯示具有抗G型核內異質核糖核蛋白(heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein, hnRNP G)、抗謝格連氏症A型抗原(Sjögren's syndrome type A antigen, SS-A)、及抗謝格連氏症B型抗原(Sjögren's syndrome type B antigen, SS-B)之抗體,最終診斷為犬紅斑性狼瘡。在給予類固醇類藥物治療後,病犬之各症狀均獲得明顯改善。此為國內首例犬紅斑性狼瘡之報告。


A six-year-old female Afghan Hound was admitted in a local animal hospital on May 31 of 1999. She presented with fever (39.4℃), decrease in appetite, slow movement, pain upon mouth opening or local movement, and erythema. Considering the possibility of blood parasite infection, she was treated with doxycycline. However, her condition did not improve and the fever persisted. Lymphopenia (1000/mm^3) was identified and she was referred to the veterinary teaching hospital of Chung Hsing University. By indirect immunofluorescent assay, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) were detected in the serum. The ANA contained anti-heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G (hnRNP G), anti-Sjögren's syndrome type A antigen (SS-A), and anti-Sjögren's syndrome type B antigen (SS-B) antibodies, as revealed by Western blot analysis. Diagnosis of canine systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was then confirmed. After receiving corticosteroid, the patient improved significantly. This is the first case report of canine lupus in Taiwan.
