  • 期刊

病歷報告:養殖河魨(Takifugu rubripes)卵圓鞭毛蟲感染症

Case Report: An Outbreak of Amyloodiniosis in Puffer(Takifugu rubripes) in Taiwan


北部地區某河魨Takifugu rubripes養殖場,於1997年8月養殖魚隻出現精神沈鬱、倦怠、張口呼吸等症狀,和陸續死亡的情形,死亡率為10%。感染魚隻外觀完整,只有鰓部黏液分泌增加,鰓上有多發性的白色點狀物,其他臟器無病變。組織病理學檢查,鰓部有許多卵圓形的蟲體,和少量炎症細胞浸潤,其他臟器無病變。水質分析結果顯示,溶氧量較低(1.7 ppm);其他各項均在可以接受的範圍。掃描式電子顯微鏡的觀察,發現鰓絲上有許多圓形或卵圓形的蟲體,直徑為50至60μm。根據上述各項檢查結果,診斷本病例為卵圓鞭毛蟲感染症,並建議業者使用使用硫酸銅治療,經過用藥後兩週病情獲得改善。


河魨 卵圓鞭毛蟲感染症


An outbreak of Amyloodinium ocellatum infection was diagnosed in cultured marine puffers in the northern Taiwan in August 1997. The affected puffers initially were loss of appetence, sluggish swimming, and gasping with open mouth over the water surface and progressive to death; The mortality was approximate 10% (600/6000). At necropsy, there were an excess of mucus on the gills and multiple white spots on the surface of secondary lamellae. Histopathological examination of the gills revealed mild mononuclear cell inflammation with numerous protozoan parasite Amyloodinium ocellatum. Scanning electron microscopic observation revealed oval to round parasite, 50-60um in diameter, resembling Amyloodinium ocellatum attaching to the gills. Parasitic examination by wet mounts revealed many Amyloodinium ocellatum organisms. The diagnosis of amyloodiniosis was confirmed on the basis of light microscopic findings, parasitic examination and scanning electron microscopic observation. CuSO4 was recommended to treat the diseased fish and the signs were subsided after two weeks of medication.


Takifugu rubripes Amyloodiniosis Gill
