  • 期刊


Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University


臺灣中南部地區,雨量多集中於6至9月,其餘月份缺雨乾旱。有關單位,思以雲種散播增加雨水,作者之一曾初步研究其成功之可能性。因資料不足,難作定論。本文利用民國59年10月至民國60年5月地面觀測之雲資料,統計分析後,知在此期間目標區出現之積狀雲次數與雲量,雖非眾多,但如其他條件適合,足供散播。更於民國62年4月選定三天,5月選定4天,增加1400時無線電探空資料,配合原有之0800時探空,人造衛星雲圖觀測,雷達觀測,地面雲觀測,並利用一維穩定拉格郎奇模式,分別作積狀雪之個例研究。所得結果大致為:1. 4月中之三天中無可散播雲,5月之七天中有五天,可從事雲種散播。2. 模型計算結果與探空資料分析,大致符合,且0800時與1400時之探空分析結果,相差不大,必要時僅利用0800時探空資料,亦可大體研究是否舉行雲種散播。3. 積狀雲應於午後散播,理想散播雲半徑應在2公里左右。由上可知目標區有雲種散播可能。雲種散播應利用飛機以手槍射擊碘化銀散播彈入雲中目標區,飛機應以清泉崗為基地。任務指揮中心設於臺北或清泉崗。




In the central and southern parts of Taiwan, China, rainfall normally concentrates in the period from June to September, leaving the other months dry or even a little bit drought. The first author studied the success possibility of cloud seeding over there to augment rainfall but with no affirmative conclusion due to insufficiency of data.For further study, data of surface observation concerning clouds from Juue 1970 to September 1971 have been investigated. It is found that frequencies and amounts of convective clouds were high enough for seeding purpose.3 days in April and 7 days in May, 1973 were selected for case study. Analyses of surface observation data, forenoon satellite pictures, routine 0000Z (0800 LST) soundings and additional 0600 Z (1400 LST) soundings and radar cloud photos and the results of the SSL model calculations show that:1. Cloud-seeding may be conducted with success in 5 days in May.2. 0000Z sounding may be used to make nearly as good operation decision in case there is no computer available and no 0600Z sounding.3. Cumulus cloud seeding should be taken place in early afternoon and the optinum radius of cloud for seeding is 2 km.It is suggested that pyrotechnic seeding agents be fired into target areas of clouds by very pistal on aircraft and that mission control center is either in Taipei or Ching Chuan Kuang, using the latter as air base.


