  • 期刊


On the Objective Forecast of Torrential Rain in Taiwan Mei-Yu




Days with rainfall of or over 130 mm are treated as torrential-rain days in Taiwan. Almost every year, Mei-yu fronts will bring torrential rain to Taiwan especially in May and June.Torrential-rain days in each of the seven forecast areas for Taiwan between May and June in the years of 1975-1984 were calculated. Area cases of five or more in the mentioned ten years are of our interest. Correlation coefficients between those cases and 23 elements of their relevant soundings and derived values were also calculated. Elements with correlation coefficient over 0.3 were chosen as the predictors. Finally, we set up the 24-hour quantitative forecast models based on the 0000Z data, and the 12-hour forecast models based on the 1200Z data by using the Stepwise Regressive Method.To simplify the forecast procedures, we decided all of the conditional values of the predictors for each of the forecast models by using the scatter diagrams.Except the Peng-hu area, there are mountain stations with height over 300 m in the Northern, Central, Southern and the South-eastern areas. We tried to build up forecast models for plain areas.Among the seven 24-hour forecast models, there are three models having the final correlation coefficient over 0.5, and the highest is 0.801. Among the eight 12-hour forecast models, there are five models having the final correlation coefficient over 0.5, three of them over 0.6 and the highest is 0.855.


Mei-Yu Heavy Rainfall objective forecast
