  • 期刊


The Statistical Characteristics of TOVS/NESDIS Analyses over East Asia during Mei-Yu Season


國內在發展衛星遙測大氣溫度與濕度剖面上,未來數年仍將以美國NOAA繞極衛星上之TOVS系統為主體,因此計劃分二步驟,先研究美國NOAA/NESDIS所處理TOVS反演結果之特徵。再據以發展台灣區TOVS反演系統(Taiwan TOVS System;TTS)的初始結構。本文為第一部分結果,主要分析1985年5/26.~6./1. TOVS/NESDIS反演所得探空資料的統計特徵,並據以建立廻歸反演法。大致的結論為溫度剖面之均方根差在晴空區內為2.5°C,在雲區為3°C;廻歸法將能改進以靜力平衡方程式估紀之重力高度場;水汽剖面在近地面誤差大,但在水汽含量少的高層則誤差小;溫度遞減率的均方根差約在1.5°C km附近,且與所採用的反演法關係不大;近地面氣溫、氣壓場的改進,將對700 mb以下大氣反演有極大的影響等。


衛星遙測 梅雨


The research in the field of the satellite remote sounding of the atmospheric structure near Taiwan will be centered around the TOVS system of the NOAA satellite in the recent years. Hence it is planned to first analyze the TOVS data processed by the NOAA/NESDIS in the East Asia to understand the statistical characteristics, synoptic outlook and possible adjustment by the regression method. In this paper, the TOVS/NESDIS data of 1985. 5/26-6/1 are analyzed. It's found that in the clear region, the RMS of temperature retrieval is about 2.5°C comparing to the 3°C RMS value of the cloudy region; the regression adjustment improves the estimation of the geopotential field; the correct estimation of the surface meteorological field affect the accuracy of the retrieved sounding profile at levels below 700 mb.
