  • 期刊


On the Topographic Effects of Precititation and Its Distribution over Southwest Taiwan-Part 2: Composite and Numerical Study




As in the first part eight heavy rain events in the southwest part of Taiwan are analyzed along two different lines with different directions and slopes. The results gave a very diversed outlook of tropographic effects on rainfall amont and rainfall distribution. In order to make the problem more clearly a composite study and numerical simulation are carried out in this part. In summary our results can be listed as follows:1. The composite study shows that: (1) there are two peaks of rainfall along each line, one is on the coast region, another one is, except line C, on the top area of the topography; (2) precipitation increased in amount rapidly from 1/3 to 1/2 (from surface) of the slope to the mountain top; (3) a very prounced rainfall peak, as shown in line C, occured on the northeast top of the SW to NE valley; (4) the rainfall amont of the mountaineous area, in the mean, is about 5 times as greater than that of its related plane area.2. From the numerical sudy we know that: (1) our model can, more or less, simulate the observed condition; (2) horizontal wind field, surface temperature, relative humidity of the air colume and the synoptic scale vertical motion are the factors which influence the precipitations, among them the horizontal wind and tile surface temperature are more important ones; (3) for the relative humidity when it increased from, say, 85% to 100% the rainfall amont, on the contrary, will be decreasing due to the reduction of the conditional instability; (4) in the mountain area the precipition is mostly influenced by the gradient of the slope, therefore most heavy rain occured in the tippest area; (5) when the surface temperature is high, horizontal wind is weak, synoptic scale vertical motion is strong the rainfall amont of the plane area will increase and much more than that of its related mountain area, therefore the difference between the two is reduced.The adjustment of the model and other related work will be carried out in the third part.
