  • 期刊


The Statistical Structure of Meteorological Fields in the Mid and Low Latitudinal Regions and its Applications in Objetive Analysis


本文研究是屬於數值天氣預報中初始場建立的探討。文中著重於氣象變數統計場的計算,及中低緯度地區最佳客觀分析的應用。現今先進國家所使用的最佳客觀分析法,經多方驗證改良,證實能夠改進數值天氣預報的準確性,在非定時資料的四維資料同化過程中,亦證實較以往所使用的客觀分析法,更具解析能力。基本上,最佳內插法在統計上是令內插誤差在最小平方條件下達到最小值,進而引進均質與各向同性的自相關函數統計結構,藉著這個與距離為函數的自相關函數統計量,測站的資料便可以內插到網格點上。由於地理區域不同,各個地理區域的氣象場統計結構未必相同。因此,本文嘗試以中低緯度地區氣象場三個變數(h, u, v)大量的觀測資料,計算其相互間的相關函數,得到該地區具有代表性的空間統計結構,這個統計結構能確實反應該地理區域的統計特性。在計算高度場自相關函數模式時,我們提出一種新的模式,其目的是希望能夠追蹤更細微的統計結構。此外藉著地轉條件,我們可獲得高度場、風場分量間的九個相關模式,可供日後數值天氣預報初始值建立之參考。最後,我們將模式應用到最佳內插客觀分析法,並測試模式在內插過程中的各種特性。分析結果顯示,在地轉條件下,推導的九個相關模式與實際觀測資料所算出之統計結構在型態上能夠相互配合,由於九個相關模式是藉著地轉條件而獲得,因此代表曲線配合所獲得的高度場自相關模式,能確實反應本區域高度場的統計特性。此外其應用在目標網格點的內插分析過程中,由分析值與觀測值計算其根均方差結果顯示其準確性、穩定性都極高。


An univariate statistical scheme for the analysis of the geopotential height fields has been developed based upon Optimum Interpolation. The data archived from a set of subjective analysis were used to compute the required correlation functions. The computed height autocorrelation functions were fitted by an appropriate function which would definitely reflect the characteristics of the statistical structure in the low latitudinal regions. Rather than representing the model by the negative squared exponential form proposed by Gandin (1963), we use a representation consisting a polynomial exponential function to fully trace the finer structure of the statistical quantities. Under the geostrophic approximation, the other eight correlations are also derived from the h-h autocorrelation model. The analyzed geopotential height deviation fields can be obtained through the computation of the relative distances among the grid and the surrounding stations.The scheme has been tested at some target stations to compute the root mean squares between the analysed data and those obtained from radiosonde data as a measure of accuracy. The applicabilitity of the scheme to the objective analysis over the low latitudinal regions is briefly mentioned.


