  • 期刊


The Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge and Printed Circuit Board Plant Wastewater Sludge Ash as Brick for Sintering


以往廢棄污泥以掩埋作為最終處置的方式並不符合環保精神,為降低環境的負荷、有效的利用資源,將廢棄污泥資源化再利用是未來的處理趨勢。本研究係以工業區綜合水處理廠污水污泥灰及PCB廠含銅污泥灰,做為黏土替代料,於磚窯廠進行燒結資源化實驗,探討其燒結材料特性及作為建材之本土化技術。為探討不同形式污泥灰之燒結特性,本實驗亦對燒結體之抗壓強度、燒失量、吸水率、比重、收縮率及試體微結構進行分析,結果顯示,混合20%工業污泥灰之環保磚,其抗壓強度可達到190kg f/平方公分,至於混合20% PCB污泥灰之環保磚,其抗壓強度可達到210 kg f/平方公分以上,所得之磚體,其比重皆小於2。綜合比重、吸水率、抗壓強度及溶出試驗測試結果,將工業污泥灰及PCB污泥灰進行前處理後,分別可燒製取代量為0-20%及0-15%之環保磚,符合作為建築用磚之基本性質。


Currently, landfill disposal is the main waste management method, but this is not a practical solution, because of the high cost of transportation and the scarcity of land. Due its nature, the recycling and reuse of waste sludge in construction materials has become a more popular treatment method. This study investigated the sintering characteristics and material properties of industrial wastewater treatment plant waste sludge ash and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) plant wastewater sludge ash, including the unconfined compressive strength, speciation variation, loss on ignition, 24-hour absorption, specific gravity, swelling, and microstructure changes. The Eco-brick samples containing 20% industrial sludge ash could reach around a compressive strength of 190 kg f/cm^2. Bricks made from mixtures containing 20% PCB sludge ash could reach a compressive strength of 210 kg f/cm^2. The specific gravities of bricks were all less than 2. Results for specific gravity, water adsorption, and compressive strength suggest that bricks made from mixtures containing 20% industrial sludge ash and bricks made from mixtures containing 15% PCB sludge ash could meet the general requirements for bricks.


