  • 期刊


Noise Measurement and Analysis of Driving Cabin at High Speed Rail Trainsets


為瞭解駕駛人員在高速行駛時所承受噪音狀況,本研究在台灣高速鐵路駕駛艙內進行噪音量測,量測結果顯示列車高速行駛(車速280km/h~300 km/h)於空曠地區駕駛艙平均測值79.4dB(A)及隧道內平均測值的3dB(A),並經由頻譜分析,主要音源來自於輪軌音。另將測值與國外捷運建議值比較,高約3 dB(A)到5dB(A),因高鐵車速為捷運三倍以上,不目較之下台灣高速鐵路列車之駕駛艙隔音設施仍達一定水準。台灣高速鐵路列車於台北到高雄間高速行駛速率大於240km/h之累積時間不超過1小時,推估駕駛人員每日累積高速駕駛時間最多4小時,如駕駛艙內噪音實測值與台灣或日本勞工噪音容許標準比較,實測值遠低於標準。另對生理的影響部分,駕駛人員無須擔心發生聽力損失現象,但考量駕駛人員健康與營運安全,有必要每年一次以上之全身健康檢查(含視力與聽力),且要求上車前量血壓等基本檢查合格後才能執行勤務,另提供安靜的環境給駕駛人員休息亦有益於降低噪音之生理影響。


To understand the condition of drivers in driving cabin under high speed environment, we measured the noise level in driving cabin of Taiwan high speed rail trainsets. The results of measurement showed that when train speed is between 280 km/h and 300 km/h, the average noise level of driving cabin at viaduct section and tunnel section were 79.4 dB(A) and 83.3 dB(A) respectively. Moreover, the main noise source in driving cabin was found from wheel-rail noise by 1/3 octave band frequency analysis. The noise level were 3 dB(A) to 5 dB(A) higher than international MRT criteria. Because the train speed of high speed rail system was 3 times faster than MRT, we concluded the noise isolation work in driving cabin has achieved a good level.The accumulated time in high speed(> 240 km/h) period from Taipei to Kaushung didn't exceed 1 hour, therefore, assumably the drivers under high speed condition suffered from high noise level no more than 4 hours per day. The condition with the above-mentioned noise level was much lower than Taiwan or Japan labor noise allowance criteria, the drivers didn't have to worry about the possibility of being hard of hearing. However, in consideration of the drivers' health and the operation safety, more than one physical examination (including eyesight, hearing, etc.) each driver per year is recommended. Moreover, the basic examination, such as blood pressure measurement, should be qualified before each driver is on duty. Besides, providing a quiet environment for drivers to take a rest is also good for mitigating the physiological impacts of noise.
