  • 期刊

Risk Factors Associated with Postoperative Sore Throat after Tracheal Intubation: An Evaluation in the Postanesthetic Recovery Room



背景:氣管插管所造之手術後咽喉痛,對於病人來說是一個不愉快且痛苦的經驗。本研究的目的在展開一個較多病人數的研究,針對氣管插管全身麻醉之病人,探討其手術後咽喉痛的危險因子。 方法:在六個月的研究期間,凡10歲(含)以上且接受氣管插管全身麻醉進行各類手術之病患皆納入研究。 結果:有五個危險因子被發現:女性病人,年紀居於30-39歲間,手術部位為口腔或鼻腔或頸部,麻醉中使用笑氣,麻醉時間超過2小時。 結論:在本研究中共發現五個危險因子和氣管插管所造成之手術後咽喉痛有關。


Background: Postoperative sore throat after tracheal intubation is an unpleasant and distressing experience to patients. The aim of the study was to carry out a large-scale search for the risk factors of postoperative sore throat in patients undergoing endotracheal general anesthesia. Methods: During a 6-month study period, patients (≧ 10 years old) who consecutively underwent endotracheal general anesthesia for all kinds of surgical procedures were included. A total of 7541 patients were recruited in our study. Results: Five risk factors associated with postoperative sore throat were identified. They were female gender, age between 30-39, surgical sites within the oral or nasal cavity, or around the neck, use of nitrous oxide during anesthesia, and duration of anesthesia longer than 2 hours. Conclusions: Five risk factors related to postoperative sor ehtroat were identified in our study.
