  • 期刊


The Dissemination and Adaptation of "Mudan Dengji": From Ukibotan Zenden to Gekijyo Botan Dōrō




Qu You's 瞿佑 Jiandeng xinhua 剪燈新話 (New Stories Told while Trimming the Wick) had been published in 1378 and began circulating in Japan in the end of the 15th century. In 1666, Asai Ryoi's 淺井了意 Otogi boko 伽婢子 (Hand Puppets) was the first adaptation of Jiandeng xinhua, and Ugetsu monogatari 雨月物語 (Tales of Moonlight and Rain), written by Ueda Akinari 上田秋成, marked the peak of adaptation in 1768. "Mudan dengji" 牡丹燈記 is one of the stories which has maintained immense influence from Jiandeng xinhua. By the end of the 19th century due to Sanyutei Encho's 三遊亭圓朝 Kaidan botan dōrō 怪談牡丹燈籠 (Tales of the Peony Lantern) and Kawatake Shinshichi Ill's 三世河竹新七 Kaiidan botan dōrō 怪異談牡丹燈籠, the story became a well-known work of ghost fiction. Until now, concerned research has primarily focused on the works of Asai Ryoi, Ueda Akinari and others from the end of the 19th century. This paper shifts its attention to works produced in the beginning of the 19th century: Santō Kyōden's 山東京傳 Ukibotan zenden 浮牡丹全傳 and Gekijyo botan dōrō 戲場花牡丹燈籠 and Tsuruya Nanboku IV's 四世鶴屋南北 Okuni gozen keshō no sugatami 阿國御前化粧鏡 (Lady Okuni's Makeup Mirror). These three works, published from 1809 to 1810, emphasized tales of ghosts and the power struggles within aristocratic families as themes, and through different kinds of performance-such as yomihon 讀本, kabuki 歌舞伎 and gōkan 合卷, created a new vision differing from the original work. This research first focuses on specific aspects of the works-plot, characters and illustrations. Secondly, it discusses the differences in target audiences between the works. Finally, by examining their dissemination and levels of acceptance, this paper discusses their literary and historical value in an attempt to both supplement the oversights in research concerning "Mudan dengji" and clarify the kind of acceptance in the beginning of the 19th century.


(日)山東京傳,《浮牡丹全伝》,1809 年刊本,東京:早稻田大學圖書館藏本。
(日)山東京傳,《戲場花牡丹灯籠》,1810 年刊本,東京:早稻田大學圖書館藏本。
