  • 期刊


Interpreting the Thought of Chen Yuan on the Sinicization of Christianity




陳垣 基督教 華化 中國文化


This article aims to explore and reveal the thought of Chen Yuan 陳垣 (1880-1971) on the Sinicization of Christianity. Chen Yuan founded the modern paradigm for Chinese studies on the history of religion; meanwhile, Chen was also once a follower of Christianity, and therefore, his ideas on the relationship between Chinese culture and Christianity are undoubtedly significant. Chen Yuan's distinctive religious studies on the introduction of foreign religions into ancient Chinese history demonstrate that Sinicization was key for the acculturation of foreign religions by providing Christianity with vital historical experience. It must be noted that Chen Yuan never put forth the direct statement "the Sinicization of Christianity"; however, his thoughts on the matter can be clearly discerned in his many articles and monographs. The complex political and social contexts of the time, as well as Chen Yuan's thought on historiography and historical writing style, may account for this paradoxical phenomenon. Finally, it must be said that "the Sinicization of Christianity" represented the mainstream belief among Chinese Christian elites during his era.


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( 義 ) 馬國賢 ( Matteo Ripa ) 著 , 李天綱譯 2013 《 清廷十三年-馬國賢在華回憶錄 》 , 上海 : 上海古籍出版社 。
