  • 期刊


On the Source of the Tao-Sheng-Jing Structure in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons 文心雕龍




文心雕龍 道聖經 佛法僧 借鑑 重構


Based on the main structure of Tao-Sheng-Jing 道-聖-經 within the three chapters "Yuan dao" 原道, "Zheng sheng" 徵聖, and "Zong jing" 宗經 in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons 文心雕龍, the three principles-which correspond to these chapter titles-of valuing Tao, referring to the Saints, and being conscious of the Classics, or taking them as a model, have been established. Although this structure adopted these three traditional Confucian concepts as well as Liu Xie 劉勰 (467-522) clearly expressing they originated in Confucianism, in fact, there are obvious and significant differences between these specific notions and traditional Confucian concepts. For example, Heaven being produced by Tao differs from Tao being produced by Heaven; equality between Saints is different from inequality between Saints; the idea that Tao can realize itself through man is distinct from the view that man can spread Tao; Confucius being the most respected Saint differs from the idea that Confucius inherited from former Saints; and likewise, from the five Classics comes twenty styles is dissimilar to all styles being the needs of the times. These concepts, however, are aslo closely related to the following important Buddhist concepts: the twelve links of dependent origination is the law of nature, the same path followed by each Buddha, Tathagata is the alone-honored one, all Buddhist scriptures are produced by the twelve divisions, and so on. This shows that the ideological structure of the Tao-Sheng-Jing borrows from the Buddhist manner of demonstrating the sacredness of the "Three Treasures."


漢.王充,《論衡》,《諸子集成》第 7 冊,上海:上海書店,1986。
魏.王弼,《老子注》,《諸子集成》第 3 冊,上海:上海書店,1986。
東晉.僧伽提婆譯,《增壹阿含經》,收入(日)高楠順次郎編,《大正新修大藏經》第 2 冊,東京:大正新修大藏經刊行會,1924。
北涼.曇無讖譯,劉宋沙門慧嚴等再治,《大般涅槃經》,收入(日)高楠順次郎編,《大正新修大藏經》第 12 冊,東京:大正新修大藏經刊行會,1924。
