  • 期刊


Improving Effect of Incombustibility of Wood by Fire-Retardant Treatment




耐燃性 防火藥劑 木材


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the incombustibility of fire-retardant-treated woods. Nine species of Taiwan and two species of American softwoods, and four species of Taiwan and six species of American hardwoods, and a commercial fire retardant were used in this study. The S-4-S air-dried specimens having dimensions of 220 by 220 by 10mm were impregnated with a fire retardant by full-cell process. The specimens were tested in accordance with "Grade 3 Incombustibility" of the surface combustibility test prescribed in CNS-6532-1980 (identical with JIS-A-1321-1975), and the exhaust temperature rise (tc>3min), heat generation (tdθ<350 min℃), smoke evolution (C_A<120), and the after flame time (tl<30sec) were measured, and compared with those of untreated specimens for evaluation of treating effects.The specimens were varied in chemical retention, combustibility and the treated effectiveness of incombustibility according to wood species. Only the six softwood and three hardwood species, namely China fir, Taiwania, Taiwan spruce , Taiwan fir, Taiwan hemlock, Southern pine, Fortune paulownia, Hackberry, and Sweetgum, passed the combustibility test for approved "Grade 3 Incombustibility" materials. The other remained five softwood and seven hardwood species failed mainly in meeting the after flame requirement. However, the fire retardant showed inhibiting effect in the all requirements of the test. Increases in the chemical retention or using of more effective chemical should be considered to solve the problem of meeting the after flame requirement.


Incombustibility Fire retardant Woods


