  • 期刊


Studies on the Manufacture of Wood Adhesives from the Residue of Agriculture and Forest (V)-The Application of Adhesives of Phenol-Extractive-Formaldehyde Copolymers


本研究乃探討相思樹、台灣泡桐、木油桐、山黃麻、杉木、台灣杉等之樹皮及稻殼、蔗渣等農林殘料之鹼萃取物與酚、甲醛行共聚合反應製造木材膠合劑之可行性。由試驗結果得知,各不同種類之酌-萃取物-甲醛共聚合樹脂(PTF)之粘度以杉木樹皮萃取物為原料者最高,四種闊葉樹樹皮萃取物為原料者次之,蔗渣及稻殼萃取物為原料者最低;膠化時間則以台灣杉樹皮萃取物為原料者較短,木油桐樹皮萃取物者較長。在共聚合反應時各不同種類萃取物均可與甲醇發生反應。各不同種類共聚合樹脂對合板之常態膠合強度均可達CNS 8060號標準之要求以上,其沸水浸水之膠合強度以山黃麻樹皮萃取物為原料最佳,可達12.8Kgf/cm^2以上,以相思樹、木油桐、杉木、台灣杉樹皮及稻殼萃取物為原料者,在萃取物取代量40%時亦可達9.2Kgf/cm^2以上,且均大於PF樹脂之沸水浸水膠合強度。以台灣泡桐或蔗渣為原料者,則耐水強度偏低。


In this study, the feasibilities of wood adhesives made by the copolymerization of alkali extractive of various kinds of barks (Taiwan acacia, Taiwan paulownia, wood oil tree, India charcoal trema, China fir, Taiwania) and rice hull and bagasse with phenol and formaldehyde were investigated. The results were summarized as follows: The viscocities of PTF copolymer resins which synthesized by the extractive of China fir bark were the highest, four species of hardwood bark were the next, rice hull and bagasse were the lowest. The PTF copolymer resins synthesized by the extractive of Taiwania bark had the shortest gelation time, and wood oil tree bark had the longest among all PTF resins. All kinds of extractives would take part in the reaction of copolymerization of PTF resins. The dry bonding strength of plywoods made with various PTF copolymers which synthesized by different kinds of extractives could pass the requisition of CNS 8060 standard. The boiling bonding strength of plywoods made with PTF copolymers which synthesized by India charcoal trema bark extractives could achieve to 12.8Kgf/cm^2, these would be the highest among all kinds of PTF copolymers. The PTF copolymers which synthesized by the extractive of bark such as acacia, wood oil tree, China fir, Taiwania, or by the extractive of rice hull with 40% of replacement of phenol by extractives would have the boiling bonding strength of plywoods excess 9.2Kgf/cm^2, these were better than that of PF resins. Copolymers synthesized by Taiwan paulownia or bagasse would have the poorest water resistance bonding strength.


