  • 期刊


The Natural Decay Resistance of the Heartwood of "Acacia confusa"


相思樹心材利用土壤木塊法,以Gloeophy Humtrabeum(褐腐菌)及Coriolus versicolor(白腐菌)腐朽16週後,其平均重量損失分別為9.70%及7.74%,屬中度耐腐(moderately durable)。然而心材試塊間所呈現之重量損失差異極大,耐腐分級由極耐腐(very durable)至不耐腐(non-durable)。由相思樹邊材所分離的三株主要菌種,Schizophy Humcommune、Earlilla scabrosa及Tramsetes elegans於心材所產生的重量損失皆小於1%,顯然並非心材之主要腐朽菌種。甲醇、乙醚及苯之心材抽出物中,苯抽出物對腐朽菌之生長有明顯抑制效果。甲醇抽出物則僅對G. trabeum有抑制。而乙醚則未呈現明顯抑制效用。


A soil-block test was conducted to determine the natural decay resistance of the heartwood of Acacia confusa with the brown rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum and the white rot fungus Coriolus versicolor. After 16 weeks of incubation, the average weight loss of specimens caused by G. trabeum and C. versicolor, were 9.70 and 7.74% separately. The heartwood of Acacia confusa was classified as moderately durable. However, the difference of individual weight loss among specimens was obvious, and the classification of natural durability of specimens ranged from very durable to non-durable. The major decay fungi, Schizopyhllum commue, Earlilla scabrosa and Trametes elegans, isolated from the sapwood of Acacia confuse, caused less than 1% decay weight loss on the heartwood specimen. Therefore, these three fungi were identified as less significant heartwood decay fungi in the natural environment. The benzene extractives of heartwood indicated obvious hyphal growth retardancy on both G. trabeum and C.versicolor.The heartwood extractives of methanol retarded only the hyphal growth of G. trabeum, while the extractives of ethyl ether showed no hyphal growth retarding effect on both fungi.


