  • 期刊


Feasibility of Application of Laminated Medium Density Fiberboard on Various Joint in Furnitrue Construction




Experimental samples were laminated to form 24mm thick with board 12mm, 9mm, 6min, and 3mm medium desnity fiberboard as lamination. The withdrawal strength and maximum bending moment of dowel joint, squareend and oval-end mortise and tenon joint were then evaluated for each laminated members and compared with those of the 24mm single layer medium density fiberboard , The specific gravity and water absorption thickness swelling of the laminated medium density fiberboard were improved in most cases. Among the joint methods, the dowel joint and square-end joint of laminated MDF showed better withdarwal strength than the controlled. The average improvement could be 1.4 times of the controlled one. For maximum bending moment, the three joint methods of laminated MDF were higher than controlled. The improvement ratio was approximately 1.3. When laminated with different adhesives, the laminated MDF with PVAc showed lower tension strength and bending moment for oval-end joint. As far as the joint strength is concerned, the laminated MDF could be as strong or stronger than some conifer species. Therefore, the laminated MDF may be used in furniture.
