  • 期刊


Effects of Cyclic Loading on the Horizontal Shear Properties of Plywood Sheathed Structural Walls


本研究以2x4輕型木結構框架作為2.4 mx2.4 m實大尺寸結構牆之主體結構,探討以國產合板作為護板,並根據設計規範的用釘方法施工組合之牆面水平剪斷性能。研究中針對不同之牆面側向變位量及載重量等條件,進行反覆載重試驗,最後並進行靜力破壞試驗,以評估合板結構牆之殘留剪斷,性質。結果顯示,在1/75弳度的側向變位條件下,結構牆試材平均在反覆載重17次時,其水平剪斷應力可降至最大值之50%,同時水平剪斷剛性也降低45.9%,而1/100及1/150強度的條件則因側向變位量較小,不易評估反覆載重對牆面的影響。在固定載重試驗中,施力為靜力試驗破壞最大載重的65%條件下,經過九十次之反覆載重後,結構牆試材的水平剪斷剛性係數明顯降低至初始剪斷剛性係數之23.6%,而50%及35%最大載重條件之牆面,亦分別降至初始剪斷剛性係數之48.2%及78.9%,不過此三種固定之反覆載重條件,對結構牆之最大水平剪斷強度之影響較小或無影響。在1/150,1/100及1/75強度等分段牆面側向變位反覆試驗條件下,各階段施力過程中,其水平剪斷剛性係數分別降低30.2%,34.7%,及25.3%,而為初始剛性係數之37.3%。在35%,50%,65%最大載重之三段反覆試驗中,合板結構牆之水平剪斷剛性係數在第二、三階段分別降低31.8%及21.6%,而為初始剛性係數之38.4%,同時側向變位量亦增大22.4%及15.4%。故反覆試驗較靜力試驗更能顯示牆面對倒向載重之剪斷抵抗的能力,其中又以較大之變位條件及較高程度的載重力的效果最為明顯。


The horizontal shear properties of 2X4 structural wall of 2.4mX2.4min sizes and sheathed with domestic plywood panels according to the nailing requirement as specified by Code are investigated in this study. The cyclic loads are applied to the walls in various lateral displacement levels and load levels, and the residual strength of wall specimens are also evaluated by static lateral tests. The results show that the horizontal shear stresses of structural walls may decrease 50% of the maximum shear strength after experiencing 17 cycles of loading application at fixed lateral displacement of 1175 radian. It is also indicated that the fixed lateral displacement of 1/1 00 and 11150 radians have little influence on the shear performance of walls in cyclic loading application which result in only small amount of deformation. In the cases of fixed load levels, the shear stiffness of wall specimens decreased to 23.6% after 90 cycles applied at a level of 65% of the maximum load. And 48.2% and 78.9% of initial of values are resulted in the cases applied at the levels of 50% and 35% of the maximum loads, respectively. On the other hand, the cyclic load applications only have little or no influence on the maximum racking strength of walls. In the cases of stepped displacement application, the values of shear stiffness of walls are reduced about 30.2%, 34.7%, and 25.3% after experiencing 1/150, 1/100, and 1/75 radians of cyclic lateral displacement, respectively, and are decrease 37.3% of the initial shear stiffness of walls. In the cases of stepped load application, the values of shear stiffness of walls are reduced about 31.8% and 21.6% after experiencing cyclic application stages at the levels of 50% and 65% except 35% of maximum load, respectively, and are dropped decrease 38.4% of initial shear stiffness. The lateral displacement of structural walls also increase about 22.4%and 15.4%in these two stages.
