  • 期刊


Reduction of COD in effluent by means of CaCO_3 addition in stock for a small-sized Taiwan tissue paper mill



設立衛生紙廠之重要考量為減少排放水中之污染物。細纖維、半纖維素、濕強劑、保留助劑及分散劑為衛生紙廠排放水中之主要水溶性物質(化學需氧量之來源)。在維持衛生紙紙力及柔軟度前提下,在紙漿中添加2%(按紙漿絕乾重為準)以下之經陽性環氧樹脂處理過之碳酸鈣後,可望吸附一些化學添加物於紙纖維上,結果可使小型衛生紙廠排放水中之COD大幅減少至符合國家排放水標準(小於100 ppm以下)。


An important consideration of a tissue paper mill design and operation is to treat mill effluents so that their impact on the environment is minimal and eventually non-polluting. Fiber and chemicals such as hemi-celluloses, wet strength agent, retention aids and dispersants are the main contaminants in the effluents, which result in COD loading in a small-sized Taiwan tissue paper mill. While maintaining the paper strength and softness of tissue paper, with the addition of less than 2%(on o.d. pulp) cationic epoxy resin-treated calcium carbonate in stock where cationic CaCO_3 can absorb some chemical additives on the fiber surface. By doing so, it is an efficient way for the pollutant removal, thus reducing the COD level below 100ppmin effluents that will meet the requirements of Taiwan Environmental Protection Standard (<100 ppm) for a small-sized tissue paper mill in Taiwan.


COD Calcium carbonate Epoxy resin Retention aid Contaminant
