  • 期刊


Feasibility Study on the Manufacturing of China Fir Plywood



本實驗之主要目的在探討杉木製造合板之可行性。採用國產杉木單板為原料,將單板含水率控制在8~10%,尿素膠合板之製板條件為固形份調配為60%之尿素膠,其佈膠量為280、260、240或220 g/m^2,熱板溫度120°C,熱壓時間為30、25、20或15 sec/mm,並加入0,2或4%的碳酸銨為發泡劑。由實驗結果顯示以尿素膠製造之杉木合板,其膠合強度均能符合CNS1349普通合板標準中二類合板之規格要求;且當佈膠量減少製240或220 g/m^2時,添加2或4%碳酸銨發泡劑,有增加合板膠合剪力強度之效果。以進口之單寧酚甲醛膠製造之杉木合板,則可達上述標準一類合板之規格要求,顯示國產杉木亦可用為合板製造之原料。


杉木 尿素膠 單寧酚甲醛膠 合板


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of manufacturing plywood of China fir grown in Taiwan. In this report, China fir veneers were dried and the moisture content was controlled between 8-10 %. Then, they were used to manufacture plywood with various glue spread (280, 260, 240 or 220 g/ m^), pressing time (30,25,20 or 15 sec./mm), and dosage of blowing agent (0, 2, or 4 % ammonium carbonate). The result showed that China fir plywood bonded with UF could meet type II class specifications of the CNS-1349 standard. Meanwhile, it showed that when the lower glue spread was applied in plywood manufacturing process, the bond strength could be strengthened by proper amount addition of blowing agent. And, as plywood was boned with imported tannin-based PF, its bond strength could meet type I specifications of the same standard as mentioned above.
