  • 期刊


Manufacturing of China Fir/Rice Husk and Cement Composites by Rapid Curing Method



本研究以二氧化碳噴壓法將杉木和稻殼粒片與水泥速凝製成複合板,並探討其水合特性,及製板條件對成板性質之影響。試驗首先測定板坯的水合溫度及重量增加率;其次再行製板並比較各板之物理及機械性質。結果顯示:板坯的水合溫度隨著杉木/稻殼比(40/60、60/40、80/20)、二氧化碳壓力(5 kgf/cm^2、6 kgf/cm^2、7 kgf/cm^2)、水泥/材料比(2、3、4)、水灰比(0.25、0.30)之增加而上升;但當水灰比增高至0.50,水合溫度則呈劇降的趨勢,且達到最高水合溫度的時間亦明顯延後,顯示以二氧化碳噴壓法製板,適當的水灰比非常重要。因此,可利用水合溫度曲線和重量增加率,選取製板條件之適當範圈。經製板結果顯示:將杉木、稻殼粒片與波特蘭水泥混拌後,應用二氧化碳噴壓法可快速製造具有尺寸安定性良好的水泥複合板。在製板的三項參數中,以材料的比例對成板性質之影響最大,水泥與材料比例次之,製板時間之影響最小。


The objectives of this article were to investigate the hydration characteristics and the effect of manufacturing conditions on the properties of China fir/rice husk cement composite particle boards by rapid curing method. Experiment started with the hydration temperature and weight gain percentage, the physical and mechanical properties of boards were followed and compared. The results showed that the hydration temperature of the mat increased with increasing China fir/rice husk ratio (40/60, 60/40, 80/20), carbon dioxide pressure (5 kgf/cm^2, 6 kgf/cm^2, 7 kgf/cm^2), cement/material ratio (2, 3, 4) and water/cement ratio (0.25, 0.30). However, when water/cement ratio exceeded to 0.50, the hydration temperature reduced significantly and the time to reach the maximum temperature also delayed apparently. This indicated that appropriate water/cement ratio is very important for the boards manufactured. Therefore, hydration temperature curves and weight gain percentage could be used to select the optimum conditions for the manufacturing of cement particle boards. By means of the carbon dioxide injection pressing process, China fir/rice husk ratio cement composite particle boards could be rapidly manufactured with good performance in dimensional stability. In comparison of the importance of the three variables of the study, the materials ratio had the greatest influence on board's properties, followed by cement/material ratio, and manufacturing time.
